The think tank sportainable sees itself as a non-profit educational portal. Here you will find information on education for sustainable development in sport, links to current educational programmes, educational materials and contact persons.
Our concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Sport has great educational potential. This ranges from physical education in schools to recreational and club sports to the training of multipliers for sport.
It is important to realise that sport offers much more than just learning how to move. Sport can also promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). ESD aims to enable people to acquire competencies, values and knowledge to understand the present and future impacts of their own actions on society and the environment and to analyse their own sporting activities against the background of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The question is how sport can be shaped in terms of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
In our research, we deal with how teaching-learning situations and experiences in sport can be designed in the sense of ESD, which sustainability-related competences learners acquire through ESD in sport, how teachers and multipliers in sport (e.g. sports teachers, exercise instructors in clubs, lecturers at universities) can be trained for ESD and how scientifically sound and practice-oriented educational concepts can be developed.
On this page you will find research projects and educational materials on ESD in various sport-related settings. Are you conducting research on ESD in sport yourself? Or do you know of other interesting research projects and/or educational materials that should be linked here? We would be happy to add them to the existing materials and links if you provide us with the relevant information. To do so, simply contact a person from our group by e-mail.
raus! Experience climate action together through play: A toolbox/-set for families
Development and distribution of a toolbox that encourages families to get outside together and engage with sustainable development in a playful way.
Duration: 4, 2023 bis 3, 2026
Funding body: BMWK (FKZ: 67KF0201B)
Contact persons: Sarah Spengler und Barbara Eigenschenk
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SEE - Sustainability and Environmental Education in outdoor sports
Development of a method box for sustainability education for multipliers in outdoor sports
Duration 2021 -2023
Funding body: Erasmus+
Contact person: Barbara Eigenschenk
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Sport.bne - Education for Sustainable Development in Physical Education Teacher Education
Participatory development of teaching concepts to promote ESD-specific professional action competence of future sports teachers.
Duration: 2021-2023
Funding body: BMBF (FKZ 01JA1809)
Contact person: Julia Lohmann
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Climate moves!
Development of teaching examples for physical education on climate and sustainability topics.
Duration 2019 -2021
Funding body: BMUB (FKZ 67KF0092)
Contact persons: Sarah Spengler and Barbara Eigenschenk
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EDS in leasure sports
Qualitative study of the processes and opportunities for promoting sustainable development and competences in leisure sports.
Contact person: Sandra Klaperski-van der Wal
More information: coming soon...
Here you find a collection of practical materials on ESD in sport. The collection of materials is a subjective selection based on the research of Dr. Karen Petry (DSHS Cologne), Dr. Julia Lohmann (University of Augsburg) and Dr. Barbara Eigenschenk (TU Munich) and therefore does not claim to be complete. No responsibility is taken for the quality of the materials and their content. If you know of materials that are missing from this compilation, please feel free to send suggestions to
Extracurricular sports
Becker, C., Lauterbach, G., Spengler, S., Dettweiler, U. & Mess, F. (2017). Effects of regular classes in outdoor education settings on students’ social-, learning- and health dimensions: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(5), 485.
Klaperski-van der Wal, (S. (2023). Sport and education for sustainable development - ‘A perfect team’? An exploratory qualitative study of leisure time athletes' perspectives on promoting sustainable development in sport and exercise settings, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2023, 100733, ISSN 2590-2911,
Kronbichler, Elvira ; Kuhn, Peter (2010): Bewegungserziehung als Unterstützung ökoästhetischer Selbstbildung. In: Motorik. Bd. 33 Heft 3 . - S. 117-121. ISSN 0170-5792
Kuhn, Peter (1997): Natur als Herausforderung der Sportpädagogik. In: DVS-Informationen. Bd. 12 Heft 2 . - S. 14-18. ISSN 0944-6222
Kuhn, Peter ; Brehm, Walter ; Suck, Christian (1998): Umwelterziehung im Sportunterricht : in der Theorie und in der Praxis. In: Sportunterricht. Bd. 47 Heft 2 . - S. 44-53. ISSN 0342-2402
Lohmann, J. (2022). Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Sport – eine Seilschaft für die Zukunft? In M. Wegner & J. Jürgensen (Hrsg.), Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft: Bd. 298. Sport, Mehr & Meer - Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung (S. 19–20). Feldhaus Ed. Czwalina. Keynote-Vortrag beim 25. dvs-Hochschultag in Kiel, 29.-31. März 2022.
Lohmann, J., Wegner, E. & Gieß-Stüber, P. (2019). BNE outdoor - Modulkonzeption für eine Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung durch Natursport. Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre in der Sportwissenschaft, 1(3), 5–13.
Scholl, N. and Dr. Frowin, F. (2022), Umwelt bewegen – Spiele fair für die Umwelt, Hofmann-Verlag, 978-3-7780-8200-3 (ISBN) (Englische Version “Play Fair for the Environment” – in 2017 durch PlayHandball veröffentlicht)
Spengler, S. & Eigenschenk, B. (2021). Das große Potenzial des Sports für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung nutzen. Informationsdienst „Sport schützt Umwelt“ des DOSB, 136, 5-6.
Verch, J. (2018). Humanökologische Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeit von Sporträumen. In N. Eßig, R. Kähler, M. Palmen & C. Deuß (Hrsg.) (2018), Nachhaltigkeit und Innovationen von Sportstätten und -räumen (S. 31-71). Köln/Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaften: Cwalina.
Verch, J. (2021). Schneesport als Beitrag zu einer erlebnis- bzw. naturpädagogischen Bewegungs- bildung. In sportpädagogik 45. Jg., September 2021, S. 29-33.
Verch, J. (2022). Nachhaltigkeit und Sport. Eine (natur-)räumliche Perspektive für einen Beitrag zu einer Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Kinder- und Jugendbereich. In J. Schwier & M. Seyda (Hrsg.), Bewegung, Spiel und Sport im Kindesalter. Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in der Sportpädagogik (S. 170-178). Bielefeld: transcript
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