In addition to promoting research and education, the think tank's charitable purposes also include the promotion of a sustainable sports culture. On this page we present our development projects.
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In 2022, we agreed with the organisers of the Allgäu Triathlon—808project—that we want to work together in the long term to systematically develop the cult event step by step in an increasingly sustainable way.
We have a cooperation agreement with the Bavarian State Sports Association that focuses on four areas of development: mobility, infrastructure, material procurement and education.
As service provider for the Bavarian State Sports Association, we offer a sustainability module for training and further education in club management.
As service provider for the Deutsche Fußball Liga we are working on the revision of the sustainability guidelines for professional soccer in Germany.
As service provider for Lechwerke AG, we work with selected Lechwerke AG sponsorship recipients on their sustainable development.
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