In addition to her university activities, she is involved in setting up a Europe-wide outdoor sports network, the European Network of Outdoor Sports, and has been on the board of ENOS since 2017. Here, too, the topic of sustainability is of central importance, be it in the cooperation with Europarc or the response of outdoor sports to the European Green Deal. Barbara Eigenschenk is an active outdoor sportswoman herself and knows from her own experience about the potential of outdoor sports, but also about the responsibility that comes with it.
In her current project, SEE (Sustainability and Environmental Education in outdoor sports), she is developing a pedagogical toolkit together with European partners from nature conservation, sports development and education, which aims to strengthen the competences of outdoor sports multipliers in the field of ESD.
Link to Barbara Eigenschenk
Eigenschenk, B., Thomann, A., McClure, M., Davies, L., Gregory, M., Dettweiler, U., Inglés, E. (2019). Benefits of Outdoor Sports for Society. A Systematic Literature Review and Reflections on Evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), 937.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph16060937
Eigenschenk, B., Thomann, A. & McClure, M. (2019). BOSS: Benefits of Outdoor Sports for Society. Stage 1. Full report.
Spengler, S., Bucht, C. & Eigenschenk, B. (2021). Übungssammlung Klima bewegt! Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im und durch Sport. PDF-Ressource der TUM.
Spengler, S. & Eigenschenk, B. (2021). Das große Potenzial des Sports für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung nutzen. Informationsdienst „Sport schützt Umwelt“ des DOSB, 136, 5-6.
Spengler, S., Eigenschenk, B & Bucht, C. (2021). Klima bewegt! Website der TUM.
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