
As a non-profit, non-university research organisation, the think tank sportainable generates valuable, action-relevant knowledge for stakeholders and actors in the sports sector. On this page we present our research projects.
Please find our experts here and our young researchers here.


Initiative: Peter Kuhn

Involved: Samana Anzinger, Isabel Beckstein, Carina Dangel, Jennifer Goldbrunner, Bernhard Grundl, Pia Häuslein, Alexander Hahn, Max Handke, Marko Hanke, Héloïse Hutter, Peter Kuhn, Marie-Kritin Lindner, Luisa Miller, Quirin Niederauer, Laura Opitz, Leon Rade, Veronika Radlinger, Julia Röttger, Florian Maximilian Schmidt-Holthausen, Schönfeld, Elena Schreiner, Mia Ströll, Lara Tapprich, Stella Tomm, Amrei Wagner, Simon Wittenzellner

Background: Demand for scientifically based assessment and transparent communication of sustainability in sport; European Green Deal; Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive; European Sustainability Reporting Standards; Green Claims Directive; Empowering Consumers Directive

Question: How can the sustainability of elements of sport - products, services, organizations - be assessed and communicated?

Objective: Assessing sustainability in sports and making it transparently visible

Methods: Product and organization analysis, survey

Duration: from 2022

Funding: third-party funds

Partner: planetics, Sport-Thieme GmbH

Findings: Using a hermeneutic process, legal texts were interpreted and transformed into a list of questions. The resulting content was regularly reviewed in a weekly participatory group discussion and supplemented with an evaluation process. In a further methodological step, the questionnaire was checked for comprehensibility and accuracy in an internal pre-test. The result was the prototype of an evaluation tool that makes sustainability measurable and visible on the basis of the ESRS.

Conclusion: A differentiated and transparent score for evaluating and communicating the sustainability of elements of sport is feasible. We have developed functioning software. The graphic implementation in a communication medium is nearing completion.

"sportainable DOUGHNUT"

Initiative: Peter Kuhn, Manfred Miosga, Sabine Hafner

Involved: Alexander Bax, Carlotta Ohlemann, Lukas Schels, Manuel Sand, Kristof Taubert

Background: "The Doughnut is the core concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics", a model developed and first published in 2012 by Kate Raworth. "The Doughnut consists of two concentric rings: a social foundation, to ensure that no one is left falling short on life's essentials, and an ecological ceiling, to ensure that humanity does not collectively overshoot the planetary boundaries that protect Earth's life-supporting systems. Between these two sets of boundaries lies a doughnut-shaped space that is both ecologically safe and socially just: a space in which humanity can thrive." (

What we are currently working on is transferring the principles of the doughnut to sport.

Question: How must sport and its systemic conditions be designed so that they contribute to the well-being of all those involved in the social dimension and so that it does not overstretch planetary boundaries in the ecological dimension?

Objective: 1. derivation of fields of action for sustainable sport development from the ecological and social sectors of the doughnut; 2. derivation of sustainable development goals for sport within the fields of action; 3. derivation of measures to achieve the goals

Methods: Document analysis, stakeholder survey

Duration: from 2023

Funding: own resources

Partners: Bavarian State Sport Assiciation, usefulprojects


In a first—hermeneutic—approach, we can see predominantly positive effects of sport on human needs in the social sectors and predominantly negative effects of sport on planetary boundaries in the ecological sectors.

Exemplary tests of the application of Doughnut Economics show that the tools ‘Four Lenses’ and ‘Doughnut Design for Business’ are well suited for analysing different entities of sport, even if there are limitations with both tools that require individual adaptations. Details at > Stories

5win – the sportainable mobility app

Initiative: Peter Kuhn

Involved: Elena Schreiner

Background: Studies show that carpooling to/from sport is underutilised. This is particularly true for training, but also for matches/competitions and for fans travelling to sporting events.

Question: How can carpooling of athletes and fans be optimised? 

Objective: Development of a digital solution — website and/or app — to connect people who travel for sport with each other and with potential travel opportunities.

Methods: Document analysis, stakeholder survey

Duration: from 2024

Finanzierung: tbd

Collaboration partner: Bayerischer Landes-Sportverband

Findings: no findings yet

Together we score – an alliance sustainable sport development in Bavaria

Initiative: Peter Kuhn

Involved: to come

Background: Sustainability is a joint task. Every measure contributes to overall development. The focus here is on SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals

Question: How can an alliance for sustainable development be forged in a state sports association?

Objective: Formation of a network of as many sports clubs as possible with the aim of networking and mutual support with regard to sustainable development—also as a model project for other regional sports associations

Methods: Document analysis, stakeholder survey

Duration: from 2024

Funding: tbd

Partner: Bayerischer Landes-Sportverband

Findings: no findings yet

9 Euro Ticket

Initiative: Ralf Brand

Involved: Andreas Kopp, Peter Kuhn, Julia Lohmann, Carina Nigg

Background: The studies of Peter Kuhn (1996) and Pamela Wicker (2019) showed that sports depend on motorized private transport, that this generates considerable amounts of CO2 and that the sports-related use of public transport depends on its structural quality.

Question: Does the 9 Euro ticket influence the modal split of athletes?

Objective: To advise decision-makers in sports organizations and sports policy on the promotion of sports-related public transport use.

Method: Initial survey of athletes on site - respondents scan a QR code with their smartphone to access the survey or are interviewed by interviewers via paper/pencil - immediately prior to training or competition with Qualtrics Online Survey and four follow-ups (on site or email reminder); cross-sectional and longitudinal

Duration: May (initial survey) to September (four follow-ups in June, July, August and September) 2022

Funding: own resources

Findings: The 9 euro ticket does not significantly influence the modal split of athletes.

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