Ralf Brand
Andreas Kopp,
Peter Kuhn,
Julia Lohmann,
Carina Nigg
Background: The studies of Peter Kuhn (1996) and Pamela Wicker (2019) showed that sports depend on motorized private transport, that this generates considerable amounts of CO2 and that the sports-related use of public transport depends on its structural quality.
Question: Does the 9 Euro ticket influence the modal split of athletes?
Objective: To advise decision-makers in sports organizations and sports policy on the promotion of sports-related public transport use.
Method: Initial survey of athletes on site - respondents scan a QR code with their smartphone to access the survey or are interviewed by interviewers via paper/pencil - immediately prior to training or competition with Qualtrics Online Survey and four follow-ups (on site or email reminder); cross-sectional and longitudinal
Duration: May (initial survey) to September (four follow-ups in June, July, August and September) 2022
Funding: own resources
Findings: The 9 euro ticket does not significantly influence the modal split of athletes.
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