Simon Reuter

Senior Research Partnership Manager at Outdooractive

With a background in sustainable tourism management and cultural studies, Simon has worked at the intersections of tourism, development cooperation, and environmental conservation for several years. A passionate hiker and mountain climber from an early age, his career has finally led him to Outdooractive, the world’s leading outdoor tourism platform. He manages research and innovation partnerships with a focus on sustainable regional development, visitor management, biodiversity protection, and climate action through the use of data and technology. In addition, Simon works as a freelance destination consultant, keynote speaker, and lecturer. Simon shares his time between Quito, Berlin, and the Allgäu and would really like to own a dog someday.

Links to Simon Reuter

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Outdooractive Research >>>

Selected publications

Schwietering, A., Mangold, M., Sarx, S., Sand, M., Adolf, H., Audorf, V., Berkmann, U., Campsheide, M., Finger, M., Gareis, N., Hallermann, M., Heinl, F., Heurich, M., Joa, B., Marth-Busch, M., Mitterwallner, V., Pukall, K., Pilloni, S., Reuter, S., Schitt, L. (2024). Digitale Outdoorplattformen: Potenziale und Herausforderungen für Naturschutz und Aktivitätsmanagement. In: Natur und Landschaft, Zeitschrift für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege. 99/08. S. 384-396. >>>

Huber, D., Soutschek, M., Reuter, S., Linn, A., Haslboeck, K., Schubert, J. (2023). DE-Klima PLUS Reference Guide. >>>

Huber, D., Soutschek, M., Reuter, S., Höpken, W., Brözel, C., Freitag, L., Siegemund, H., Palme, K. (2022). ESKINAT - Entwicklung eines Strategiekonzepts zur Verbesserung derVerfügbarkeit glaubwürdiger Informationen übernachhaltige Angebote im Tourismus. >>>

Reuter, S. (2021). Zukunftsfähige Berufsbilder in der Gästenaturführung - Wirkung und Entwicklungspotenziale der Ausbildung für Zertifizierte Natur- und Landschaftsführer:innen am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. >>>

Kogge, L., Reuter, S., Kloppmann, E. (2021). Destination 2030. Tourism changes people | regions | the world. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. >>>

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