With a background in sustainable tourism management and cultural studies, Simon has worked at the intersections of tourism, development cooperation, and environmental conservation for several years. A passionate hiker and mountain climber from an early age, his career has finally led him to Outdooractive, the world’s leading outdoor tourism platform. He manages research and innovation partnerships with a focus on sustainable regional development, visitor management, biodiversity protection, and climate action through the use of data and technology. In addition, Simon works as a freelance destination consultant, keynote speaker, and lecturer. Simon shares his time between Quito, Berlin, and the Allgäu and would really like to own a dog someday.
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Outdooractive Research >>>
Schwietering, A., Mangold, M., Sarx, S., Sand, M., Adolf, H., Audorf, V., Berkmann, U., Campsheide, M., Finger, M., Gareis, N., Hallermann, M., Heinl, F., Heurich, M., Joa, B., Marth-Busch, M., Mitterwallner, V., Pukall, K., Pilloni, S., Reuter, S., Schitt, L. (2024). Digitale Outdoorplattformen: Potenziale und Herausforderungen für Naturschutz und Aktivitätsmanagement. In: Natur und Landschaft, Zeitschrift für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege. 99/08. S. 384-396. >>>
Huber, D., Soutschek, M., Reuter, S., Linn, A., Haslboeck, K., Schubert, J. (2023). DE-Klima PLUS Reference Guide. >>>
Huber, D., Soutschek, M., Reuter, S., Höpken, W., Brözel, C., Freitag, L., Siegemund, H., Palme, K. (2022). ESKINAT - Entwicklung eines Strategiekonzepts zur Verbesserung derVerfügbarkeit glaubwürdiger Informationen übernachhaltige Angebote im Tourismus. >>>
Reuter, S. (2021). Zukunftsfähige Berufsbilder in der Gästenaturführung - Wirkung und Entwicklungspotenziale der Ausbildung für Zertifizierte Natur- und Landschaftsführer:innen am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. >>>
Kogge, L., Reuter, S., Kloppmann, E. (2021). Destination 2030. Tourism changes people | regions | the world. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. >>>
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