Manuel Sand

Professor for Outdoor Sports and Adventure Management at the University of Applied Management

Dr Manuel Sand is head of the Sports Management program, as well as program director for the focus on club and association management. In addition, he is also head of the Outdoor Studies program. In teaching as well as in research, he deals with the topics of well-being, nature and outdoor sports, adventure tourism, sustainability of outdoor sports offers, regenerative adventure tourism, environmental education in and through outdoor sports, sustainability and CSR in sports management and digitalization in club and association management. He is on the steering committee of the Adventure Tourism Research Association and on the editorial board of the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.

At the think tank sportainable, Manuel acts as honorary Director of Networking.

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Selected publications

Sand, M. & Gross, S. (2019). Tourism research on adventure tourism – Current themes and developments, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 28, S. 1-5.

Burger, S., Fuchs, O., Sand, M. & Schöttl, K. (2022). Digitalisierung im organisierten Sport. Chancen für ein modernes und kundenorientiertes digitales Management in Sportorganisationen. In M. Harwardt, P.F.-J. Niermann, A.-M. Schmutte & A. Steuernagel, Praxisbeispiele der Digitalisierung. Trends, Best Practices und neue Geschäftsmodelle, S. 327-343. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Groß, S. & Sand, M. (2022). Draußen erleben. Abenteuer – Outdoor – Tourismus. München: UVK Verlag.

Gross, S., Sand, M. and Berger, T. (2023). Examining the adventure traveller behaviour - Personality, motives and socio-demographic factors as determinants for German adventure travel. European Journal of Tourism Research 33, 3307.

Pomfret, G., Sand, M. & May, C. (2023). Conceptualising the power of outdoor adventure activities for subjective well-being: A systematic literature review, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 42, 100641.

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