Sofie Paulus

Research assistant at the Chair of Sport Ecology at the University of Bayreuth

Sofie researches sustainability in outdoor climbing. She leads climbing courses at the DAV and for sports students at the University of Bayreuth. Her non-profit initiative Ecopoint Frankenjura combines the desire to strengthen sustainable mobility in outdoor (climbing) sports, to inspire the community for sustainable solutions and to inspire each other. Together with partners like Nadja Hempel (co-founder of the Ecopoint Frankenjura initiative) and Lena Müller, workshops, lectures, festivals and community actions are organized worldwide. The movement Ecopoint shall help to discuss, experience and live sustainability and transformation in the community.

Link to Sofie Paulus

Selected publications

About the idea of Ecopoint: 
Webseite Ecopoint Frankenjura: 
Webseite Ecopoint worldwide (coordinated and initiated by
Lena Müller): 

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