Matthias Starz

Digital Communication Officer Deutsche Sportjugend | M.Sc. Sport, Business & Law

Matthias Starz works as a digital communication and social media officer at the German Sports Youth (dsj) in the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB). His field of responsibility at the dsj, the umbrella organisation for children's and youth sports in Germany, covers a wide range of topics in the context of public relations. In addition to the promotion of physical activity, strengthening democracy and anti-discrimination, voluntary work, international youth work, child and youth protection and participation and diversity, the communication of the association's comprehensive activities in the field of sustainability and education for sustainable development is also a focus of his work. Furthermore, Matthias Starz is in charge of the interface to the political communication of the association and is therefore well connected in federal politics, especially in the fields of youth and sports. In his free time, Matthias is also involved in social issues, sustainability and climate protection in particular, as well as politics. He is also a passionate handball coach and enthusiastic hiker and cyclist.

In addition to his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Sports, Business and Law (M.Sc.) at the University of Bayreuth, Matthias Starz further qualified in the field of politics at the Oxford University Department of Continuing Education in 2023 and completed a further education course at the German Sport University Cologne in cooperation with the German Sport Youth on "Sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development in Children's and Youth Sports".

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